Airports are a place of transit but often they become a place of trauma

Harassment, abuse and racial profiling are all too common occurrences. We want to ensure there is ethical and humane treatment of passengers regardless of race or nationality at all airports across the world.


People are humans regardless of race or nationality


People have travelled long hours


Travelling during Covid is already an ordeal 


For the vulnerable and those of ill health

I was horrified to witness the reality of Racial Profiling at Frankfurt Airport. The sheer contempt that people of...

Posted by Christopher Greenwood on Thursday, 25 March 2021
We must speak when we see injustice, especially for those that cannot

The reason why we founded Humane Airports

This incident of harassment was the catalyst to launch Humane Airports. Whilst the experience itself was truly shocking, we soon learnt that this was not an isolated case. Many people had suffered abuse, harassment and humiliation under the pretext of “security checks” at this airport and airports across the world.

When we wanted to bring this to the airport and airlines’ attention, it was a challenge. The airport acknowledged the incident but passed the responsibility onto the agencies responsible for the security checks. The airlines also passed the responsibility onto the airports. This is escapism from dealing with the issue.

We want change, we want everybody to be treated with respect when they travel regardless of the colour of their skin or nationality.

We have taken this to the highest authorities possible, including government ministries and The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Our focus is to bring this issue to light and constructively engage with all stakeholders to bring a meaningful and lasting change to the industry. To shift the mindsets of those handling people to treat everyone with equal respect, appreciation, compassion, and care.

Let's connect

Frankfurt police response to our complaint and our counter response

We received an official response to our complaint of harassment which was submitted to the Frankfurt Police. The response we received was as expected and demonstrates the attitude which we want to change.

Share your airport experience

We would really like to hear your airport experience of harassment, abuse, racial profiling or discrimination.

Please include any solutions you think the airport could implement

We should speak because others cannot
We believe in constructive dialogue to bring necessary change

There is a solution

Air travel can become a pleasurable experience once again by making basic changes in the attitude of the people who handle passengers. If policy and training have developed this callous and de-humanising effect we see today, equally policy and training can create a whole new experience for a passenger. 

We have many great solutions to these issues. Some of our most simple solutions are listed below:

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